1550 W. Main St., Wilmington, OH 937-383-3565 kcandtllc@gmail.com
Links you need to get the most out of your membership.
Some Apps you'll need to communicate with the instructors about classes:
Some of these are martial arts movies, others are movies we love which deal with questions or situations that align with our belief system even though there's no martial arts involved.
Use your common sense to decide which of these are age appropriate for you or your child.​
Raya & the Last Dragon
Black Panther
Romeo Must Die
Enter the Dragon
Karate Kid
The Way of The Dragon
The Karate Kid (reboot movie with Jackie Chan)
The Princess Bride
West Side Story
Mulan (the animated one!)
The One
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
All the Star Wars movies (in order of release)
Last Samurai
Lilo & Stitch
47 Ronin
John Wick (1st and 2nd movies)
Big Trouble in Little China
Kung Fu Hustle
Muppet Show
Monty Python and The Holy Grail
Avatar the Last Airbender (animated series)
Seven Samurai
Mamma Mia
Spiderman Into the Spiderverse
Some people, channels, articles, and subjects we find inspirational.
Some names to search in Google:
Miyamoto Musashi
Bruce Lee
Alan Watts
Gary Goodridge
Sensei James Linane
Bruce Lee