1550 W. Main St., Wilmington, OH 937-383-3565 kcandtllc@gmail.com
Ages 5-8
Individuals: $20/ week or $60/month
Families: $30/week or $100/month
Tuesdays & Fridays @ 5:00 p.m
Kids classes teach basic martial arts skills. They emphasize, along with skill development, the attitudes, morals and discipline associated with true martial arts.
Self-confidence, control, and discipline are emphasized and instilled at this school and taught in such a way that they can stay with the student far beyond their martial arts training.
Respect, honor, dignity, cooperation, personal, and team growth are practiced and instilled regardless of age, skill, or social status.
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Please register yourself before registering your children. This allows us to schedule and bill you as a family, and offer you discounts and updates for the whole family at once!